Monday, November 25, 2013

50 First Dates by albert rodriguez
main character Lucy was having a car accident in Hawai. That was the day before Lucy's father's birthday. There is a tradition, they pick a painapple before her father's birthday. But there is a cow cross the road suddenly when her father was driving. Lucy's head crash on a tree, injured highly. She lost her short term memory.

I don't agree with what her family have done. I think there are to much protections for Lucy and that are useless

. They should tell Lucy the turth and help Lucy to cure. By their protection, Lucy and her family do the same things everyday. It's like wasting Lucy's life and her family's life. So I don't agree with his family, but I do agree what Hurny did.

 I think brain injured us one way that easy tpo understand. It might cause short term memory loss because when brain is broken, brain disorders or illness where tissues are damaged. When brain is injured it might not work or loss some information in brain. It will easy cause memory loss

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